Cybersecurity assaults and other security concerns are a constant concern for firms handling Protected Health Information (PHI).
Maintaining the security of the information within your firm requires a robust security procedure.
Here is a list of technological measures you may take to assist keep your data secure so that you are protected against breaches, fines, and other penalties.
Continue reading to know how HIPAA safeguards Can Help You Safely Transmit PHI.
1 Install a mechanism to keep an eye on user activity.
The HIPAA Security Rule also mandates this. For the purposes of recording and reviewing PHI-related activities, it is crucial to have a system in place that keeps track of what was accessed, when, and by which person.
This allows for the analysis of activities and the mitigation of vulnerabilities or security events.
2. For identity verification, those with access rights to PHI must utilize a username and PIN.
An authorized user’s activities can be monitored if they have a distinctive username and PIN.
As a result, there is less chance that an unauthorized user may access PHI or other sensitive business data. This enables enterprises to enforce user accountability.
3. Put policies and procedures in place to safeguard the confidentiality of PHI.
PHI cannot be “altered or deleted in an unauthorized manner,” according to HIPAA. Whether sending PHI through email, efax, or text, maintaining its integrity is of the utmost importance.
The integrity of PHI may be jeopardised by human error or an information system breakdown. Because of this, PHI must be kept secure while at rest, in storage, and during transit thanks to technical measures mandated by HIPAA.
4. Encryption should be used for data transmission outside of an organization’s internal firewall.
Any time data is delivered over the internet, data encryption should be utilized to reduce the risk of a data breach and unauthorized access to PHI.
Text, efax, and email all require an internet connection, thus encryption is required. Each company must decide which acceptable measures will be developed and which secure platforms will be used to communicate information.
5. Healthcare organizations should employ prudence while using certain gadgets.
Sending unsecured PHI might cause serious problems for your firm if adequate controls and HIPAA compliance rules are not in place. Many businesses adopt a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy to set guidelines for secure PHI transmission and responsible device use.
80% of healthcare workers are thought to use personal devices for work. Due to this, there is a high chance that unauthorized personnel will obtain PHI.
The majority of programmes lack automatic logoff capabilities, which renders them incompatible with HIPAA.
Additionally, PHI may be compromised extremely rapidly if a stolen, unencrypted device. Create protections right once to protect the data of your company.